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Specific Face Swap #34


New Member
Can you swap the face of the boy in this picture? I’d like to take the boys face in the picture where he is sitting on his hands and use it in the other picture where he has his arm behind the girl.FC577A22-487C-41A5-A517-C34A08690571.jpegFDD2354C-14B1-41ED-A8FF-DDF9107AA8AF.jpeg

The boys head is too small and not fitting at the neck. The girls left eye is off (but it was a nice idea). The color is too red and the highlights/whites are yellow.
I hope you don't mind Sam. I started with your work and whitened up the teeth a bit and helped her shirt.
I couldn't resist trying a full look at the camera, I had to move and recreate the iris (usually not a good idea) but it was fun XD.

