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ERROR MSG: could not complete your request text layer...


New Member
I recently switched from photoshop 7 to photoshop cs and now when I try to open designs made in Ps 7 will not open in Ps cs and the next message shows: COULD NOT COMPLETE YOUR REQUEST BECAUSE LAYER IS NOT A VALID TEXT LAYER. I donot understand since the design still opens in Ps 7. what can I do, How to change t :( his? please need help. Thankx!!
JoeD said:
Is any of the two Photoshop programs an CE (Central Europe) or ME (Middle East) version?

WOW! Good catch JoeD. I even researched this question and couldn't provide an answer. :}

By the way, welcome to the forums, remstoffer.
remstoffer said:
yes indeed, one is middle east (ps cs) and ps 7 is european. so that would be the problem then.
Yes, I assume it is, I've read about people with that same problem in the past, but I can't remember whether they ever solved it.
Contact Adobe or look on the internet for this exact error message. Put the message between quotes and search places like like Google(web) and Google(groups). Good luck ;)
I recently switched from photoshop 7 to photoshop cs and now when I try to open designs made in Ps 7 will not open in Ps cs and the next message shows: COULD NOT COMPLETE YOUR REQUEST BECAUSE LAYER IS NOT A VALID TEXT LAYER. I donot understand since the design still opens in Ps 7. what can I do, How to change t :( his? please need help. Thankx!!
