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Specific EPA graphic edit


You guys were so awesome with the last one! I have another graphic for same company. It’s just the letters EPA and I think it’s looks pretty good just wondering if anyone would change it or if everyone can tell what letters they are. Just looking for another point of view even though I really like it. Any suggestions or adjustments are appreciated! Thank you 😊

To me, it's a little unclear whether the first letter is E or F. Hypothetically, I could imagine using the same logo if it were FPA. Since you already told us it's EPA, my brain goes there first, but maybe you could try showing this to several people and don't tell them what the letters are. See what they say.

I tried playing around with this to see if I could make the E more obvious, but I came up empty. In fact, by the time I was done the first letter started looking like T, so I actually made the problem worse. Logos aren't really my thing.

