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Embed fonts and pdf


New Member
Hi all. New guy to PS. Running PS 7.0 and I have a project that requires embeded fonts. Can't find that process in the help files. This is not a flash clip or anything. Just a static page with text. I can save the page as a pdf but when I transfer it to another computer the fonts change.

My second question refers to saving as a pdf. My project is 15 individual pages that I can save as individual pdf's but I can't seem to find how to save them all together in one pdf file.

Any input is greatly appreciated. ~ Thanks
Okay..Here'e the deal..

You can be as creative as you want with your designs in Photoshop. After you've fininshed, first save your file as a psd. This will enable you to change your designs in the future. If you are working with the latest let's say Indesign, you should be able to place the psd file in the page.

However if you don't - you will have to save your file as a eps and embed vector data. Now this eps can be used in page makeup programs and retain that crisp type edge. But, do not try to reopen that image in Photoshop because the type will rasterize. For any further design changes - you will have to go back to your original psd - make your changes - and repeat saving it as an eps.

Good luck
As for your second question, that's

more an Acrobat answer. Launch Acrobat, choose file combine and the ensuning dialogue box will prompt you to select the individual pdf's - change their order if you don't select properly and combine into a single pdf.
