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Eggy's Sea

This is way better from the start Eggy! A brilliant idea.

Using a diagonal line with your letters makes this composite very interesting.
The sunlight shining through these glass bodies is wonderfully executed and looks very believable.
This is very good usage of 3D Photoshop.

Just one tiny suggestion:
Shouldn't there be a horizon somewhere in the middle of the image? Because the Eggy building is floating on water?
Great work Eggy!

I agree with Chris, it seems like the whole thing is floating on the ocean rather than being columns of water/glass stretching all the way to the sea floor.

I'm not sure how or why, but the clouds aren't looking right either.
much more interesting than the last one! i like it! In this case i disagree a litle with the other comments, i dont think the image need an horizon i like the couds above the name, but i agree that then need water texture in all the image to make sense.

@chrisdesign, @IamSam, @Argos

Thanks for the comments guys.

It is fantasy and a certain amount of artistic freedom is allowed in my view.
A horizon would cut through my diagonal presentation.
The only way to make the image stick to the background is making the shadow very hard. I tried that and it does not look good. It needs to be fluffy.
The background isn't actually water but I had to choose a color fitting the image.
But I agree with Sam, the clouds are a bit of. The central one looks soft and good whilst the left and right one are too hard. I'll fix that.


Adapted and again readapted version because I almost forgot to add one of the boys of MrToM

Eggy's Sea.jpg
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I think its great from the beginning.... I also agree it dos not need any horizon, it is for me a surreal fantasy image, its how you interpret that image as you look at it. LOOKS GOOD TO ME.
