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Duplicate Layers


New Member

I have a doubt that is kind of simple...

I have 2 opened files in photoshop, and I duplicated a layer in file 2 to the file 1.
When I click on the file 1, I can see in the layers box the layer that i had duplicated, but I can't see the image on the screen.

PS: the layer is not hide


screen shot would help other than hiding the upper layer I can not see why it would be hidden
There's one possibility... if the canvass size of file 1 is a lot smaller than the source file, the way you dragged the layer from file 1 to 2 may have caused it to be moved out of canvas view.

A quick switch of layer position will show this
Yup dv8fx is probably right, select the layer which isn't showing up then switch to move tool and press ctrl+t then you may get a clue what's wrong...
