Hey Guy's
Im a PS newb, as you can tell from my second post! Please be gentle if i come across a bit thick
Id be ever so grateful if you guys could help me out and answer my stupid questions.
Would someone be kind enough to let me know in order the releases of PhotoShop? I know this is really dumb, but I'm very confused right now.
What version should I be using? What Is the most upto date version I can Buy?
What Is the difference between PS and PS Elements? Are they different programs? If so whats the difference?, shall I buy them both?
What exactly does Photoshop Lightroom do?
Have I missed any PhotoShop programs?
Sorry guy's I can see I'm being a pain but would be over the moon if you guys would chip in and answer these questions.
Im a PS newb, as you can tell from my second post! Please be gentle if i come across a bit thick

Would someone be kind enough to let me know in order the releases of PhotoShop? I know this is really dumb, but I'm very confused right now.
What version should I be using? What Is the most upto date version I can Buy?
What Is the difference between PS and PS Elements? Are they different programs? If so whats the difference?, shall I buy them both?
What exactly does Photoshop Lightroom do?
Have I missed any PhotoShop programs?
Sorry guy's I can see I'm being a pain but would be over the moon if you guys would chip in and answer these questions.