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drawing perspective


Browsing around the Net, I often see drawings in which people use the Ellips Tool to draw columns.
But if this oval is not corrected, then its shape is not like it should be and this gives the image an awkward perspective.
Therefore this little explanation of perspective. The images were created in Xara, but could have been created in PS too.
What perspective can do if you don't have a 3D app:

Choose a selection tool (the rectangle), draw your shape and go to the Selection menu>Transform selection. When you hold Ctrl down while dragging you can move the corner points.
(find out yourselves what Alt and Shift do). Build up your image and for the Boolean (the cut out piece), try intersecting ellipses on a new layer). Apply some gradients and to give the impression of an old drawing, use some clouds in dirty lightbrown but very transparant on yet another layer.
cool erik I will give it a go in a couple of days with today being my busy day I will have to practise patience first! ha ha ha
