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drawing like backgrounds?


Active Member
Hi guys I'm looking for the effect combinations to make the photo background look sort of like a drawing painted theme I'm not sure what this is called.. I thought it was the procelain effect but it doesn't seem to nor the water colour effect
Thx All.
sorry guys I have no idea of how to upload them to here??? never been on a forum before so please bear with me until
I pick it up...
I've tried to insert pic about a dozen times but I get nowhere what am I doing wrong?? I could tell you a link but I'd rather not upset anybody on here.... It's not to my website I don't have one but it is of a portrait maker most seem to use this effect when doing portraits of children you know they have them sit on a wooden box with say red or blue blanket... and the finished shot looks as though the person is sort of porcelain and the box and blanket look as though they have been drawn or even painted??? hope this helps :rolleyes:
There are a lot of ways to do a drawing like transformation. Some are in filters, start with artistic - like poster edges - or sketch for various drawing styles to be applied; and there is filter>stylize find edges or glowing edges for added effect maybe. You can also go to image>adjustments and choose threshold or posterize (which is similar to poster edges). Layer effects are not primary for this kind of thing but might be useful to add additional "something" like an inner or outer glow those these work better with selected images than whole backgrounds.

If this isn't helpful then load up you image. Go to advanced post and click manage attachments if you're unable to post and click on the tree which is the quick route for uploading an image.
are you using google chrome and clicking the upload files box under the browse navigation bar.

You can link as long as it is a suitable site with nothing that can offend other members
There are a lot of ways to do a drawing like transformation. Some are in filters, start with artistic - like poster edges - or sketch for various drawing styles to be applied; and there is filter>stylize find edges or glowing edges for added effect maybe. You can also go to image>adjustments and choose threshold or posterize (which is similar to poster edges). Layer effects are not primary for this kind of thing but might be useful to add an additional "something" like an inner or outer glow -- though these work better with selected images than whole backgrounds.

If this isn't helpful then load up your image so we can give you some pointers. Go to advanced post and click manage attachments -- if you're unable to post and click on the tree which is the quick route for uploading an image.
Just been on photoshop tried glowing edges alomg with some other things I was pretty happy with the outcome thanks for the help guys and gals I'll try a few other combinations you have suggested ibclare thank you also I will try up photo's again!!
a "porcelain" effect is something Hoogle (and others; he's just happens to be on) could certainly help you reproduce. With 6 posts now, you can post a link or upload a pic.
oh boy hope this helps thank you very much ibclare I just really like this effect and it's doing my head in trying to work it out :banghead:
Here is my attempt probably not the best pic for it but I thought I'd just have ago.


  • j n hose glow.jpg
    j n hose glow.jpg
    2.3 MB · Views: 0
i wouldnt say much effects have gone into the baby in the box lust maybe an exposure adjustment layer and baby masked out whilst rest is decreased maybe some RGB curves adjustment if you upload the original image you want edited then I guess people can work on that and explain there steps easier.
Knock yourselfs out I just would like to know away of getting this sort of style in the pic with the kid in the box unfortunately I dont have any of one in a box but that's my next project.. thx.


  • j crop.jpg
    j crop.jpg
    3.7 MB · Views: 3
your problem is your requesting a digital effect as to the example you uploaded was shot via soft window light coming in from the side only giving the accent of light to the baby and pretty much the rest is ambient lighting in the room filled from window light spill.

The image you have provided is outside so it is covered in the soft light so evenly lit all round pretty much I will have a play and see if I can get something you like
