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Dramatic Music, Please...


<Stands at podium>

People of the Photoshop Guru Forums, I do not come here to conquer. No, I come in peace with the offer of slightly surreal humour and medieval recipes for an almost perfect biscuit.

Follow me and I shall lead you each to untold wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams. Remember, come election time, Vote Biscuit - Vote Maz. I thank you...

Oh, and I used to use Photoshop a lot but then stopped, and am now just falling in love with it all over again.

End Dramatic Music
<Rises from his computer chair>

Applause , applause.... that's one intro you don't read everyday.... lol..

Welcome to PSGurus, MazY.

Nice to know you got your love for Photoshop back. You've got a lot of catching up to do. No worries... a helpful bunch of people you will find here.

Enjoy your time.

<continue jazz music>
Jessica, when I become king, as will surely happen in time, there will be a place for you in my royal chamber. :)
You guys chat amongst yourselves for a few moments. Jessica and I are just doing that bonding thing. :)
Welcome and agreed thats some intro, :)
made me smile.
