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Downloading multiple Photoshop tutorial files

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Did you ever came across a site like this http://www.adobeevangelists.com/photoshop/index.html ?

Downloading all the files by hand takes a while. At such a moment the best thing that you can do is to use a special download manager, in this example I used FlashGet ( http://www.amazesoft.com/ ) but there are numerous other programs available ( these are freeware: http://www.webattack.com/freeware/downloader/fwdown.shtml )
What I do first is that I save the webpage in Internet Explorer by clicking ?file / save as?.
After I?ve done that, I right click on the webpage and because I have FlashGet installed, I have the option ?Download all by Flashget?. In the new window that opens, I click on the option button and I select all files that end with PDF (or MOV for example if you're dealing with video files). After that I?m able to save all files to a specific directory, in this case the directory that contains the saved web page.
After all files are downloaded, I open the HTML source of the saved web page in a program like Notepad and I click on ?edit / replace?. I then replace all the references of the pdf directories to the directory that contains my saved PDF?s.
With this program it's also possible to schedule your downloads at the moment that suits you best.

This way I already created CD's filled with hundreds and hundreds of video and PDF tutorials. Why pay for a course if you can have it for free? :bustagut:
Gaussian , I'm also a tutorialholic... have hundred's of MB of tuts. But I 'd like to find a way to organize them, to be able to search by author, date, keyword, topic... what should I use? Excel (argl...no, not that! )
I think also that I'll try to buy Acrobat to recreate the html ones...

So if someone breaks internet, the knowledge will be saved ;)

Or worse, if there is no more electricity on earth, [innocent] I should print all the tuts about Photoshop [confused] :bustagut:
sPECtre said:
Or worse, if there is no more electricity on earth, [innocent] I should print all the tuts about Photoshop [confused] :bustagut:

ha ha ha but you could only read them by the light of the sun then dream about them by the light of the moon he he he
Spectre, I save most of my files in one big directory and create an HTML page for it with categories on it, like filters, techniques, masks, layers, etc.
BTW, Excel is also a good program to use. You don't need a lot of Excel knowledge for the intentions that you have; it's all about filling columns and in the end selecting all columns and using one of the sort options. You can even have a link to your PDF, HTML or MOV file inside your Excel document; just click insert/hyperlink.

Just an idea :)
Thanks Gaus! ;) You just may have motivated me to get organized! :D
(was trying to do it in PS (kidding)

well, I'll resort myself to Excel, then... so I finally found a Photoshop use to it ;)

Thanks for the tips, Gauss!
Nice one Gaus. I'm also a big tutoria fan.....learn a lot from them....now if I could only make it stick.:D
