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Don't care for the new PS CS Filter Gallery Gizmo?


Then do this, if you have a previous version of Photoshop.
(i used the PS filters found in Illustrator's Plugins folder)

Grab all of the original separate Filter Gallery filters and copy them into a new folder. Name it something like "Separate PS Filters". The name isn't crucial, just so long as it's original. Put this folder into the PS CS Plug-ins folder.

Now startup PS.
Take a look under the filter menu now; you'll notice that you have a new entry at the top called "Filter Gallery". This is the funky PS CS filter gallery window. But down below, within the main filter categories menu are all of the original separate filters. :D

I am very pleased i just discovered this. I've been wanting this option since the separate filters were clumped together in the new cumbersome gallery gizmo.

PS: and i didn't notice PS taking any longer than normal to bootup either.

The best of BOTH worlds!
Yay! 8} :B :righton:
And I thought that this new filter "gismo" was one of its major improvements?

I still haven't upgraded. Still using 7. And for the upgrade price, I sidegraded and got me Painter.
Great little trick Mark, to avoid dragging up the bloated filter interface. Seems it should be an option, as a lot of competent PS'ers, who know what they want find it cumbersome. Love the ingenuity! :righton:

As for loading time, the difference would be inconsequential, as it's only an index entry.
Ya well for me guys the biggest gripe with that thing is that you have NO control over filter 'blending'! And THAT really bothers me. I mean... just to have the ability to dump several filters on top of each other all in one window, but have NO control over how they get blended... that just wasn't good enough for me. I was under the assumption that this part of the upgrade was going to be more than what it turned out to be. It quite disappointed me.

Oh well... at least we have a workaround now. :D
Yeah ain't it huh?! Glad i stumbled across it! :D

I was just going to replace the new filter batch file with the separate filters, but this is a much better solution. :righton:
