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Specific Does anyone mind photoshopping my nose ring out please?


New Member
I would prefer to have at least one picture with out my nose ring in it.
The heart as as well if it’s possible, but that isn’t my primary priority
Mod edit: removing captions isn't allowed

Thank you very much!2433A9D4-294A-4687-BB56-A8CFDFC37C6E.jpeg
Last edited by a moderator:
Turns out it's not allowed to edit the heart since it's a snapshat feature so there you go!


  • Beautiful Girl.jpg
    Beautiful Girl.jpg
    105.7 KB · Views: 8
I did most of it with spot healing, but I still don't really understand how it works (like sometimes it'll pick up another part of the image from miles away, like suddenly throwing a nostril on an eyelid, for example), so I clone stamped some small areas to cover up then spot healed again to smooth it out a bit more. I just couldn't get it looking perfect.
Just out of curiosity, why is snapchat caption removal not allowed?
Not arguing, just genuinely curious as to why?
I guess this is the reason why. Specifically, since this forum can not be certain that the image posted is really of the person posting it.
That is the position in theory. However, despite the 10 second time limit, recipients of content are able to take a screenshot using their mobile to retain their own permanent copy. These screenshots do not violate Snapchat’s Terms of Service. However, on basic copyright principles, any such snapshot, without permission of the owner, would infringe copyright in the content. Given that the self-destructing messages are the primary feature of Snapchat, it is difficult to conceive that consent from the copyright owner to another user to create the snapshot could be implied.
