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Digital Corpse


Active Member
I just finished (more or less) building a graphics-related site. If you're familiar with "Exquisite Corpses", that's where the idea comes from. Not an original idea on my part since it's been done digitally a few times before already, (So if anything looks vaguely familiar, chalk it up to deja-vu ;) ) but since those "other" sites never let any new players in :P then I figured I'd start up one of my own and see how it goes.

Since most people here are graphically gifted & web savvy, I thought I'd post a link to get some feed back; ideas, boo's, comments, etc. if anyone feels up to it. Join in if you like even.

To me, the site has a very un-finished, simplistic look & feel to it, but hopefully if it goes anywhere, I can incorporate some of the completed corpse art into the pages.

Also, I only have IE 6.0 installed on this computer and I'm running at a 1280 x 1024 res, so if anything is really nutso, please let me know.


http://www.wasatchsun.com/corpse <~~Duh, the silly blonde forgot to post the think the first time.
Seen on an oldie with IE5 and 800X600: no problemas.
Good idea, and I wish you lots of success.
Erik, thanks for looking at the site for me. I appreciate it. :righton:

And thanks Erik & Kiwi for the well-wishes! :D

Love the site! I viewed your site in NS 6.2, NS 4.75, and Opera 6.01 at a screen res of 1600x1200. Site looks great in all Christine. Well done!
Linda, thanks for checking the site in those browsers for me. I'm having a friend of mine automate the backend for me (he has way more time than I do for that stuff - no kids on his part yet) so I'm hopeful it will all work when he's finished.

One of these days, I'll have DSL and download more browsers, but for now I'm stuck on this lousy AOL dial-up. By the time I finished downloading everything, it would be time to upgrade again! [saywhat]
Well done! Clean design and I like that.
I'm looking at it with IE 5, 1078*768 without any problem.
Christine dittos here, EXCELLENT :righton: [innocent]
jOY:\ :)
Thanks for all the input everyone. I was concerned about the cross-browser & resolution consistency.

I appreciate all the feedback. You're hired! [slick]
