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Specific De-speckle b/w JPG drawing plan


Well-Known Member
This is probably harder than some picture adaptations. Have tried free online apps to de-speckle but makes it worse. Does anyone feel they could help? Much appreciated. Roger

1955 enhanced.jpg
Is this the original source image? If not it would help to have the original.
Also, any chance there is a better existing original. Some forum members are pretty good at finding better originals if you provide more details and context.
always best to start with the best possible image before additional processing.
just suggestions
John wheeler
Without a better original, here is my shot at it.
Do note that the items you want to keep vs the surrounding noise are viturally indistinguishable so any mass process will have a tough time recognizing what to keep vs what to throw away.
John Wheeler

Without a better original, here is my shot at it.
Do note that the items you want to keep vs the surrounding noise are viturally indistinguishable so any mass process will have a tough time recognizing what to keep vs what to throw away.
John Wheeler

View attachment 130233
Thank you for taking time to look at this for me. Would that there were other better images but this is a rare copy of an early original microfiche. I am attempting to construct the history of the studio site from remaining remnants most records having been destroyed in a big fire in 1935. I asked the group to look at this for me with naturally low expectations on the basis that someone may have successfully tackled such a huge problem before and found a "new miracle way" to process. I am eternally grateful to everyone for their help past and present.
The file name indicated the image was already enhanced. Do you have the unenhanced version. Sometimes enhancements make further post processing more difficult or reduces options for improvement.
The file name indicated the image was already enhanced. Do you have the unenhanced version. Sometimes enhancements make further post processing more difficult or reduces options for improvement.
Attached original drawing in PDF sent to myself. The "enhancement" by myself was very amateurish with no sophisticated software. Thanks for trying to help me.


Very grateful for your attempts - I am starting to understand layouts as I piece evidence together - Roger
