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New Member
I am new to this forum. I had a problem doing a project and knew the solution was simple but had no idea how to fix it. After typing in the question in Google, I was directed to this forum where the answered was right there. (I couldn't colorize my text, it stayed in black or gray, the solution...go to image>mode and change from Grayscale to RGB.) A simple solution that would be impossible to find or figure out without assistance.
Not sure how I am going to use this forum, but will explore it at my leisure. I am a member of NAPP. That site has taken me from being a novice in PhotoShop to being an expert Novice. I am sure there is loads to learn here and I look forward to seeing what's what.
Welcome to PSG David.
Sooo, I started poking around the site and first thing I find is this "contest" where I learn how to make a small photo strip and put some photo's of mine in it. Learned the really technique in less than 15 min, put something together and posted it on my facebook. Gonna have to poke around some more.
Hi David, welcome. I cam here with a question too and also found it just by searching the forum. Are you going to share your photo strip on the challenge 14 thread? Cheers, Clare
Welcome David.

I see you've found a couple of activities that tickled your senses. That's good.

Stick around and enjoy more of what everyone here can offer - assistance, activities, comraderie.

