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dashed lines around an object


New Member
i apologize for asking this, as i did see something when i searched past posts about this, but it was way over my head. can someone help me to create a dashed line around an object using photoshop? i don't have illustrator. here's an example of what i'm talking about, i don't necessarily need the scissor graphics:

Hiya, eLeM, welcome to PSG!

The fastest way (athough not the most elegant), is:
  • New layer
  • make a selection where you want the dashed line
  • Type Alt+'E', 's' (Edit, Stroke), choose how wide you want the line to be, and the opacity. Check the "inside" box and click OK
  • Select your Eraser Tool, and pick a square brush shape the width you want between the dashes. Under your Brushes palette, UNCHECK the "Shape Dynamics" box.
  • With the selection of your line still active, center your eraser over the selection marquee, and click to erase the portion of your line. Move and repeat around your selection.
As I say, it's not the most elegant, but it's easy enough for the occassional need.
In PS 7 and above, you can set the brush to to an oblong brush, oritentate it in the Brush Tip Shape section. Then in the shape dynamics section, turn off Size Jitter and Roundness Jitter and set Angle Jitter to Direction.
Then Stroke a Path with the brush tool.
docilebob said:
In PS 7 and above, you can set the brush to to an oblong brush, oritentate it in the Brush Tip Shape section. Then in the shape dynamics section, turn off Size Jitter and Roundness Jitter and set Angle Jitter to Direction. Then Stroke a Path with the brush tool.

Yes, that's the way I would do it too docilebob, but what/where is the oblong brush? \:/ Teach me something new please! :D
When I was playing with this I couldn't find one so fast, so I created one instead, which only takes 30 seconds, but why make one if Photoshop already has one, right? ;)
Actually, Gaussian, I both have some oblong brushes I downloaded from somewhere (Caligraphy brushesmight work, too.) and made one when I tried this by adjusting roundness in the Brush Tip Shape dialog.

<edit> Changed the screen cap to better indicate what I did, added example</edit>
