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Cut-out with drop shadow for use in Quark


New Member
Hi, I have a query which has been puzzling me for a long while and I would be really grateful if anyone here had the answer.

I work on a newspaper doing page design in Quark XPress and we use Photoshop to do a lot of cut-outs, especially in sport.

What I am trying to do is to produce a cut-out image of eg. a football player on a transparent background but WITH a drop shadow, which I can then import into Quark XPress. I can do cut-outs fine at the moment, but not with a drop shadow.

I have no knowledge of experience of Photoshop, but someone once showed me how to use to produce cut-outs for the newspaper - I open the picture of the person I want to cut out, use the pen tool to put anchor points around the outside of the person, then on the path menu I select save path>OK. Then I click clipping path>OK. Then on the file menu I go to save as>and save the image as an EPS.

When I then open the image in Quark, I have the person cutout on a transparent background and I can then click on the image and choose a runaround that is the same as the clipping path, so I can put the image into text and the text will wrap around it.

I hope all that makes sense - sorry that I have to use very basic explanations but - as you have probably guessed - I really have no idea what I'm doing!

Anyway, what I'm trying to do is to get a cutout that's exactly the same and on a transparent background, but with a drop shadow.

I can add a drop shadow in photoshop using Layer Style>drop shadow but I don't know how to get this to be part of the cutout that I import into Quark.

Can anyone help??!
