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Specific Custom Wrestling Belt #2


New Member
Hello there,

I own a text-based wrestling game that runs on IRC. I'm good at coding but I suck at graphics. We have belts in our community, for which people compete in this game.
My request is the following:

If anyone would be willing to help with this, I'd need 1 custom wrestling belt.
I will show you the current crappy ones I have at the moment, as reference.
Annotation 2020-05-16 030524.png

The belt needs to have its name, our logo, and some unique features for each to differentiate.

2. iTNA Intercontinental Championship - Should have a globe with blue colored continents as an element at least. (reference: WWE Intercontinental belt)

I'll just need them to contain our logo (or a variation of a text saying iTNA) and its name (i.e Intercontinental Champion) written on them.

Our logo if you could work with it, if not that's fine:

Annotation 2020-05-16 031633.png

If you can help us and you need more details, let me know.

Thank you so much for your attention.
