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Custom brush preset with colour information.


New Member
I'm using (ancient) CS4 so this may not be possible but I thought I'd ask here. Does anyone know how to define a brush preset (create a new brush) which uses an actual colour texture? As in, create a new brush from a selection and then use that selection as a brush, colour information and all. Like say Deluxe Paint used to do, pick up a bitmap and then paint with it? Altering the size on the fly, just like you would with a brush? Ideally I'd like all the brush modifications open to me as well, such as Shape Dynamics, Scattering etc.

Every time I've looked into this I've not seen any solution as PS treats new brush presets as monochromatic due to you usually wanting to create brushes which you alter the colour of yourself. I've tried stamp thinking this might offer the solution but that 'stamps down' the graphic on your initial press and then just tiles. I want to specifically be able to define a brush from a selected bitmap and then be able to use it as a brush. I don't want to change it's colour as it will just be using the colour information from the selected bitmap itself.

Any advice much appreciated.
Does anyone know how to define a brush preset (create a new brush) which uses an actual colour texture?
The texture can be saved with a custom brush but a color can not.
I want to specifically be able to define a brush from a selected bitmap and then be able to use it as a brush. I don't want to change it's colour as it will just be using the colour information from the selected bitmap itself.

All Photoshop brushes (used with any tool) whether custom or otherwise, are made using a percentage variation of black to white with no color information. Using the Brush Tool, the color of the brush is determined by the foreground color setting.
A common misunderstanding is with the "Color Dynamics" setting in the Brushes Panel. This only determines how the chosen foreground color will behave during the brushes use.
Your only option is to add the preferred color to your color swatches panel and select it as your foreground color when you use a particular brush.
