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CS4 Layer Problems



whenever i open cs4 my layer is divided wierd parts. on white background there are green grey black parts and i cant do anything on them. i cant remove 'em naturally i cant work properly on my layer what should i do to open a normal layer?Any advise?
Hi halmar7, welcome to PSG.

I moved your post and titled it as best as I could.
When you have a unique problem Start a new thread, it will just get lost otherwise.

As for your problem post a screen shot so we can see what you're talking about.
Ow.. thnx. next time i ll try like that:)

well, the pic of problem here..i hope some can find the solution!on black places i cant do anything but when i save the pic it doesnt appear..i just opened new...then it comes up like that..

i just open cs4 pshop. empty screen... i click on file>>new>>exp 600x400 whatever i try to open a layer to work on background appears just like on the pic. and i can only do sth on white parts.. is it clear? i tried everything i couldnt figure it out..
i resetted preferences just like on the video but still got the problem i wanna show one more pic when i open a picture on photoshop it comes up like that..

normal picture1.jpg

when i open with pshop:


i hope i explained bit better thnx
You are seeing artifacts. It could be RAM, graphic RAM, or bad drivers on your graphic card.
The following document should help you troubleshoot your problem: (sorry, Adobe does not have the page anymore, and Google cache has only the macintosh version... Troubleshoot artifacts or damaged data in images (Photoshop 7.0-CS on Mac OS X)

What I would do: update graphic card drivers, make sure all ram sticks are properly inserted. Try to remove one of them, until the issue is resolved. Courage!
my card's specialities:

ati readon hd 2400
1280x800 (32bit) (60hz)

so is it low for cs4? if i download cs3 is it enough then?
It's not a matter of CS3 or CS4.
sPECtre is saying he thinks you may have a problem with you graphics card memory or computer memory.
It also may be the software for the video card (video drivers)

You should make sure you have the most current video drivers.
Make sure you get the proper driver for your operating system.
AMD Support Search

If that doesn't help see if disableing "OpenGL Drawing" helps.
Goto Edit|Preferences|Performance and uncheck "Enable OpenGL Drawing".

If that doesn't help you can try to re-seat your graphics card and the computer memory modules.
Do that only if you know what you're doing.

When did this problem start?
Did CS4 ever work right, or did you just install it?
Did it this problem start after a software update?
An other video or computer problems or is it only CS4?
omg omg:) it worked:) it was with "Enable OpenGL Drawing". Oww thank you so much Steve also spectre..now i can get bit better on photoshop:) thnx guys
Hey great, that's what I want to here halmar7.

Thanks Pierre, I've been seeing people with strange video problems relating to old drivers and especially OpenGL.
I had problems when I updated to CS5 and needed to get the update the driver too.
Open GL wasn't a problem for me thankfully, I like what it adds to PS.
