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CS2 weirdness, resetting preferences?


Well-Known Member
I think I wore my CS2 out. :(| It's doing all sorts of wierd little things, click on images in Bridge and the images open twice, go to click on HELP to see what I need to do to fix and the HELP throws me out an error, It's telling me I don't have enough ram to save a picture, (when I know I have plenty!)

I have heard that resetting preferences is always a first step, but how do I do that again in CS2?

I read in a search here to find the preferences file in adobe through Explore, but I can't for the life of me find a preferences folder.

What would be the best way to reset my preferences? And I hope that takes care of it! It's eating up a lot of my work time just by dancing around the errors. }:\

TYVM! 8))
I've been reading ALL kinds of things about CS2 all over the net. I sure hope that Adobe didn't bring that to market too soon. There has been more than one person saying they have gone back to CS until the bugs are worked of CS2. And to thing I JUST bought the Mac version of that a week ago. [sigh] :{
Don't let my post discourage you, Lee. I've been using it ever since it came out and I LOVE CS2. It's worked fine for me up until a week or so ago.

I just hate resetting all my preferences now that I have them to where I like them, but I'd rather do that than fight with it.
Hey, it happens. \:]

It's the same for CS2:Hold down Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys (Mac: Command, Option, Shift) while starting Photoshop. A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to delete the preferences file.

I'm using PS CS2 exclusively on my Mac. So far the biggest downgrade has been the change to Liquify. Instead of using a low res image 'proxy' in the filter window it now loads the whole thing. As a result, if you have a large image, loading takes quite a while and the utility of the tools is very crude, compared to PS 7, for example.

A workaround is to make a low res version of your image, load it in liquify, save the mesh and then load the real image and use the mesh you just saved.

I like the new PS!
I guess i'm just lucky, 'cause on the Powerbook G4 and the PC CS2 has worked just fine for me. The home unit still runs V7, which to me is still the slickest vesion yet for most of my requirements. And yes, I do prefer PC's, but that's just me.
Thanks for your help. I'll get brave, make sure I have all my preferences written down, and try it tomorrow and let you know if it solves all my problems. :bustagut:

I have to work up the courage, I'm quirky that way! It took me 1 week to get brave enough to change to CS2, it sat in the box on my desk for a week before I installed it. LOL I fear change, I guess. [saywhat]
Don't worry, Lee, CS2 is rock stable.
A minority of posters have some issues, and of course, they are pretty vocal.
The engineers are working on fixing an issue in certain graphic cards.
Each release of Photoshop is the same.

Bridge, being a 1.0 application had a few more quirks, but the engineers are VERY responsive in the official user to user forums, and the update 1.02 is a big improvement over 1.0.

sheba, see this document to know everything about the preferences for CS2: http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/331483.html
I am also trying to reset my cs2 preferences, but command+option+shift during startup, or at any other time, isn't bringing up any window or really doing anything at all. Is there an alternative way to reset?

My program is doing weird things, like the levels in images open in photoshop are always noticeably too high in contrast, but when open anywhere outside of photoshop they are correct.
And I don't know if this is a glitch in my program or just part of a really terrible update, but after I make a selection, the cursor automatically switches to the "deselect" command, with the minus sign, and when I then go to make another selection, instead of the first selection disappearing and a new one starting where I am dragging, it just works as a deselect tool, removing whatever I cover from the first selection. Very annoying.
