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creating flash webpage with a animated .gif file


I have made one along with another guy buy I want to create it as a flash file anyone know if that possible and the steps if it is?
thanks Steve but This hit me in the face lol
"Windows Vista Recommended System Requirements"
In flash , open new with script 3.0. then go to the right of the screen and change the stage to the same dimentions as your gif. Go to file/ import/ import to stage. Then select the gif and import it.

You will now be able to export the movie as flv, or what ever format you want.
how do I preview it now that it has been exported to my desktop?
thanks Steve but This hit me in the face lol
"Windows Vista Recommended System Requirements"

see told you get a real computer ha ha ah
You my friend are going to experience the great iDad SMACKDOWN tournament one of these days ........you already lost once, next time,I'll make it hurt!:mrgreen: j/k(you know that)
okay I created the .swf file from the .gif but.......... How do I create it so I can add it to one of my pages,I see no option to make html snippet?
You my friend are going to experience the great iDad SMACKDOWN tournament one of these days ........you already lost once, next time,I'll make it hurt!:mrgreen: j/k(you know that)

lol what you going to do? come get with with your Mac Book PRO (Proper Over Rated) ha ha ha
okay I created the .swf file from the .gif but.......... How do I create it so I can add it to one of my pages,I see no option to make html snippet?

Your using iWeb right? if you I just did a quick google "adding .SWF to iWeb" and it gave me this link:
Vertical Moon | Inserting Flash into Apple iWeb

I didn't read it as it's Mac, so not sure if I would understand it fully, but give it a look and see it if helps :)

This is the google search if you need it:
How the heck am I suppose to find ""writeMovie1();"" to replace it with this "writeFlash1();"
when I have 10's of thousands of mumbojumbo charaters on one page………
I would post it but it would take forever
Man Code has to be something you love.or hate

can you guess my feelings about it? lol
I'm in the middle of doing my website at the min, but it's going slowly from being on holiday in Ireland. Though I am using the correct tool for the job (dreamweaver). I have to finish the index, do an about page, and twiddle with the things I have done on the contact page.

Home.html would usually be index.html
But to help you learn how web pages are put together, you can right click on any web page, and view page source.
I knew that but code to me is like reading a foreign language actually worse lol I suppose I should study it but that's down the road.maybe ;)
