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Creating a jigsaw for christmas.


Power User
Hi everyone.

As the title stated I'm making a Jigsaw as a present for my fiancee and I'm posting this hoping for ideas.

I'm aiming to create a montage containing her and our two children in some "fictional environment".
For the montage I'm probably just gonna use their faces or heads the rest will be stock-photos.

So do you guys have any ideas of environments situations and the like?
She likes Fantasy, Crime Novels, Romantic and humor. So something along those lines. Mind you even If the Theme becomes similar to Game Of Thrones I think I'll give the montage a humorous touch, it is christmas after all.

The finished Jigsaw is gonna be 1000bits and measurements 65 x 47,5 cm.

And of course I'll be running the complete project here so I can get feedback and suggestions I want a polished look when it's finished after all.

Trenchcoat detectives solving teddybear murder, SpaceCowboys hearding their space cows?

Your turn give me some ideas!


Added Pictures as per div8_fx's suggestion

Mind you I might not use a single one of these but you'll have something to start up some ideas.

Suggestions by users

Alice in Wonderland
American Mcgee's Dark Alice
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Have you chosen the pictures of them that you intend to use? A thumbnail preview of them might inspire more ideas suitable of what scene may suit them eg. pose, facial expression, activity in picture....... if its OK for you to upload thumbnails
I haven't selected them yet no.
My original plan was to shoot the needed pictures after selecting scen and bodies for them to inhabit.
I might however try to select a few this evening , for reference as you suggested .
Main post updated with pictures.
Is this post necessary or does the forum recognise a post edit and bump up the thread?
Okay guys I'm gonna aim for Alice since the idea feels like great fun working with.

The particualar scen I've choosen is the tea party.

I was thinking of having roughly the same angle as the in the image below and then have some oversized mushroms and flowers creating a sort of colorful yet looming forest.


Now for some questions. Anyone have or know where I can find a suitable table? Was thinking wooden, old and worn. Likewise how best to get my forest to feel more deep or 3D.
.......Is this post necessary or does the forum recognise a post edit and bump up the thread?

Only a post will bump the thread.

I'll start searching for a suitable table.
Thank for clarifying Sam.

I did search on a few stock Photo sites but couldn't really find what I wanted (mostely ended up with textures) so tips is welcome.

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So I snuck in a quicky while the little one sleeps.

Just a quick layout and possible new body for myself and my boy. Loads of work left I know, just trying it out and hoping for thoughts.
As for the table what do you think of this? Found on Fotolia, if I like it I'll buy it, so no worries regarding resolution.

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Yeah I know. But as I was saying just a quick layout of how it looks in my head. The end result will be using stock photos.

I haven't got an army of copyright lawyers after all.

Thanks for the heads up thought. :)

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Christoffer, here is a table I made using floor tiles. You might could change it up using transform.


I used the warp option to bend it a little here. It has potential.

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 10.02.53 AM.png
It looks really god Sam will have a proper look when the kids go to sleep.
GF is away so it's PS night !
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Sam had a proper look at your table and I like where it's going but I dont really like that it's out of focus in both ends so to speak. Is this something thats possible to fix?

Also do you care to explain this part a little more:
here is a table I made using floor tiles.

Depending on your answer I might be wanting some more help, link or tut... :rolleyes:
No the blur was on the original floor image, I thought that might be a problem. But I liked the wood!

Yes, this was made from an image of a wooden floor. It's just cut out in general perspective using the Polygonal Lasso Tool and guides. I then added the front edge by using the Rectangular Marquee Tool and perspective transform.
Ah well as I thought then.

For a while I saw you handpainting and then apply it to a 3D rectangle that you made beforehand. :D
Welllll...........I could do that and just apply texture to the 3D rectangle.
Okay guys at the moment I'm working on the hatter using a stock photo this time. ;)
Looking for general suggestions for improvments on that. I'm aware that I still need to remove som BG from the hair and feather.
Regarding the hair anyone got some mad hatter ideas as hair replacer?

The second shot is of yours truly and I was thinking of applying a animal textures much like what is done here and then merge the face with another shot of my body, so I'll end up semi human cat.
In this however I fail miserably so help on this would be greatly appriciated. I can't seem to get it to work well and need help with how I should go about choosing a good cat texture for the job.
If you think the headshot is losey for the work tell me and I'll take a new one. This is 3 years old soo..


Added a third pic, this is an attempt at making a table using Sams method. I find however that the pixels blurr quite much when manipulated, Suggestions?

Vinny Hatter.jpgMe.jpgBord.jpg
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