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Created entirely in Photoshop

Great job with a strong impact!
I know it's a daylight scene, though I still wish the letters would glow a bit more pinkish.
I work with the largest objects first and add the smaller elements on top of them. Draw each separate piece on it's own layer (hundreds of them) add highlights, shadows, dodge, burn, adjustments, layer styles etc. as required. It gets very complicated very quickly so naming and grouping layers is essential. Working in separate files (where possible) for different pieces and combining them later helps keep the overall complexity under control.
I'm impressed, Hawkeye! I don't have anywhere near the patience it takes to do hyper-realistic work like yours. Very nice!

On a humorous note, when I was browsing through the list of new threads and first saw the title of this thread (but didn't notice who it was from), the first thing that went through my mind was, "Oh God, I bet it's going to be something really over the top." This morning, I had some time and decided to illustrate the sort of look I had in mind, LOL.

I bet mine took a lot less time to do than yours! :bustagut:

All the best,

Tom M

PS - In the interest of full disclosure, my photo of that sign is years old and is of poor quality, so I used a photo I found on the web.


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