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Create an “Inception” Inspired Movie Poster

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Well-Known Member
In this tutorial, author Mark Mayers will take inspiration from the Inception movie of a few years ago. The film used breathtaking special effects to create a world of impossible reality. This concept is by no means new, in fact the most well-known illusions of reality were created almost a century ago by the Dutch graphic artist Escher. His woodcuts and lithographs featured impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture and tessellations. If you are looking to take your print design and photo manipulation skills to the next level then View Now


Tutorial Details

  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Program: Photoshop/Illustrator CS5
  • Estimated Completion Time: 5 Hours
  • View This Tutorials: http://VideoCreative.org/create-an-inception-inspired-movie-poster.html

    Final Product What You’ll Be Creating

    As far as techniques go, I’ll show you how to combine multiple images with advanced masking and blending techniques to create an impossible city. You’ll also use InDesign to create a template, as well as producing error-free artwork. Let’s get started!
Duuud this is a premium tutorial for PSD TUTS !!! it's not legal to post premium tutorials for free !! that's not a good thing to do mate !!

Best Greets
I have searched in Google and i have download in a website, But I can not get this in tutsplus, in videocreative have a article for this problems videocreative search tutorials in google and download from many website for photoshop tuts and post in VideoCreative, and if you search in google you can find this tutorials in many website thanks for comments.
I have searched in Google and i have download in a website, But I can not get this in tutsplus, in videocreative have a article for this problems videocreative search tutorials in google and download from many website for photoshop tuts and post in VideoCreative, and if you search in google you can find this tutorials in many website thanks for comments.

it's a legibility thing !! i'm a TUTS PLUS member and redistributing tutorial are not allowed from tuts plus website !!
The tutorials (text/images) on Psdtuts+ are the copyright of their respective authors. You may use the effects demonstrated in these tutorials in your own work – commercial or non-commercial – provided you are not redistributing or reselling the tutorial / PSD file itself. You may use the effect without attribution.

it's a good tutorial and thanks for trying to "share" it !!
the cute, Thanks for information, has anyone here premium members in tutsplus?, if you have premium in tutsplus you have Courses and Ebooks and many source file. . . tutsplus it's a very good website for self-learning, but i say again i don't have premium in tuts and I have search all tutorials in google.
It is not a premium Tutorial and credit is given to the original artist
The actual tutorial is from here
However if you are going to copy and paste other peoples tutorials then you should at least provide a link back to the original tutorial.

Then why does the pay say TUTS premium & browse premium.

That sounds like premium tuts to me . . . and the Cute quotes their policy which doesn't say only the premium can't be redistributed . . . something I'm missing?
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