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Create a Planetary Asteroid Impact


Well-Known Member
While asteroids don’t slam into the Earth all that often, movie producers sure act like they do. We can all think up a few movies with similar plots. An asteroid is about to hit the planet and a group of heroes comes to save
the day. In this Psd tutorial will demonstrate how to create an asteroid impact, just like in the movies. If you would like to take your Photoshop skills to the next level, Download now


Tutorial Details

* Program: Adobe Photoshop CS2+
* Difficulty: Advanced
* Estimated Completion Time: 4 Hours
* View This Tutorials: Create a Planetary Asteroid - Video Creative

This tutorial includes 10 videos that demonstrate the process of creating this project in detail so that you can better understand the techniques that were used in each step. Below is a clip from one of those videos. To view more clips you can download now

Final Product What You’ll Be Creating
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