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Copying/pasting whole image without centralised?

Yella Fella

New Member

I've been having some issues for when say I create an image and do some actions based around some masks and when moving this to a new PSD file, when you drag and drop it, in the thumbnail under the Layers pallete, you can see it moved to where you dropped it on to the new image?

It's the same when I try to select all, copy and paste a whole layer on to a new PSD, it always seems to centralise it. Is there anyway of preventing this as I rather not drag a new image into the existing PSD to keep its settings.

I like to keep the EXIF data of my photos so to speak, thanks :)
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by centralized, but if you are having trouble with the layers and you are trying to edit something onto a previous PSD file, try merging and compressing down the layers to seal it all off and lay it 'flat' so to say. Im sorry if this isn't the answer your looking for, but from your description it's the only thing that comes to my mind.
