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Specific Copy dog into a landscape background


New Member

I am wondering if anyone can help..

Ideally I am looking to take this image of my dog, and create a landscape image that I can get printed onto canvas.

I am unsure what type of background to use, considering a park or grassy area but open to suggestions/ideas - ideally looking for a natural looking picture that would work well on a canvas (90 x 60cm or 100 x 75cm)

My dog passed away earlier this year and the canvas is going to be a gift for my parents at Christmas.

Unfortunately my Photoshop skills aren't great and the few pictures I attempted look like a botched cut and paste job.

Appreciate any help offered.


I could not come up with a suitable background to fit the laying position so I'm offering a portrait style alternative.
I've shared my life with several dogs - its a heartbreak when they leave us.
Thought about this image and what could be done beyond landscape.
Not sure if I caught it - but here's my try.
- Jeff
black lab edited V3.jpg
