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Converting to JPEG


New Member

I have made up some abstract backgrounds in PS but when I save them as JPEG's there are lots of artifacts in the image. what might I be doing wrong??

thank you
I suspect it may have something to do with the compression process. To avoid artefacts I would suggest saving at the highest quality Ppeg setting possible.

Hope this helps!
Thanks .. i was also looking for this .. one more thing can u let me know how i can change pdf file into video? i want to post my pdf on youtube.
Regarding your video problem, you can import your PDF to Illustrator and then export it as SWF. You can this use this flash file directly or use any freely available converter to convert to your desired video format.
And the best part about using Illustrator is that it coverts all text to shapes and you will have an SWF file with small size but with great quality.
I have no idea how to make a video from a PDF, but to the original poster if you are using these images on your computer and not the web, 100% quality is the way to go. If you are saving them for the web I would suggest something around 75% quality settings.
