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Specific Convert photo to cartoon

I'm pretty sure that the sample you provided is a drawing, not a photo that was edited in Photoshop. Also, the photo of you is not a great candidate for this kind of treatment because the lighting is very flat and even and the angles of your face and body are very straight-on.

Having said all that, here's my try. I converted your photo to black & white, applied several extreme levels adjustments and also used a Threshold adjustment. I used the Pen Tool to select certain highlight areas, and finally, I drew some of my own lines freehand. Hope it's ok.


@carlbush, I assume you just drew your own lines, tracing over her photo??? Can you describe what you did? Thanks.
Rich, yes, exactly! Enlarged the face, then brightened and contrasted as much as possible; reduced opacity to 50%, then used the pen tool to create my own lines and fill with a bright magenta color, separate areas on separate layers. Once I was OK with the result, converted the magenta to black and merged all the layers. Easy day.
