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Illustrator Combining objects together


New Member
Hello.. i am trying to combine 2 objects together in a seamless way and i cant figure out how to do it.

I am trying to create various custom currencies.. and i have various shapes on top of the other that together make the currencies. I grouped them and then created outlines. But when i double click i can still see the different shapes and parts i used to create the image.

How can i make it seamless ... a one piece?

Thanks for your time! Waiting on your feedback!
Generally speaking, Pathfinder is the way to combine shapes. Go to Window-Pathfinder to open the panel or shift+ctrl+F9.
Hey, I'm not sure I fully understand. If its 2 shapes becoming one shape, then yes, as Hawkeye has said.

If you want your completed image to not show all the various paths used to create all the various pieces of the currency, this won't be the case in Illustrator. Even if you flatten image to 1 layer, all paths will still show. You would probably need to export to .png or even to Photoshop.
