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Colouring a photo

Hi ,I'm new here and I need a little help. I tried for at least two hours to colour , mirror and crop a little piece from a simple photo. I'm talking about a photo with a minion and a car logo, i want the minion to look in the right side, but i want to keep the logo as it is and also i need to colour , or to fill the photo to look how a minion normally looks...
So if someone can help me with that....i would be grateful .

It should look something like this , but much more realistic ,talking about colours.

I can't get it done in photoshop, i don't know how to use it.

That is the original photo


And this is how i want to make the minion ...i mean...the texture if someone can do it,if not....just color it with that colours.

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I agree with Eggy, the last image was generated using 3D software. Your second image is a flat 2D image that can be shaded to mimic 3D, but that's it.

Unless Eggy want's to work some of his 3D magic on the image.
Wow guys, you are awesome. Thanks for your work.
The last one that it's textured by "IamSam" it's almost perfect. But can you make one a little more realistic , i mean , the color of the texture to be like the "jeans" which minions are wearing in the 3D photo ? I mean i don't want a lot of shadows or 3D effect, that one it's almost perfect, but can you copy the colors of the minions from the 3D photo posted by me ? If you can, that's not necessary.
Also thanks to Eggy and hawkeye for their work or interest.
@dv8_fx i think it would be better if the logo will be white.I will try to see how it will look better on the car, in white or cropped [then it will be in the colour of the car. Because i want to cover a scratch that I made one day ago.
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Wow guys, you are awesome. Thanks for your work.
The last one that it's textured by "IamSam" it's almost perfect. But can you make one a little more realistic , i mean , the color of the texture to be like the "jeans" which minions are wearing in the 3D photo ? I mean i don't want a lot of shadows or 3D effect, that one it's almost perfect, but can you copy the colors of the minions from the 3D photo posted by me ? If you can, that's not necessary.
I will give it a shot. Give me some time.
Thank you very much guys ! You are awesome. Keep up with the good work !
I have already ordered to a shop to print me 2 pieces of the first one that IamSam posted, now I'am going to order another 2 pieces to see which one looks better as a sticker.
Thanks again for you work and interest, I will post some photos with the final results

///Final results :

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