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Color Toning


New Member
This is such basic stuff, I doubt you've ever done anything serious with Photoshop.
My advice; buy a book or do a course, don't try to learn by stumbling over problem after problem.
hmmm pardon me but it looks easy breezy but I think you took it too lightly.
I can do composite for fantasy digital imaging but I think when it comes
to color-toning for fashion photography (esp when you need to fix the color tone
from the shoot that used available lights but from different day),
i found its quite tricky cuz at the same time you have limitation changing
the color tone for the clothes and make up.

if its easy like you have said then why don't you point me at the right tutorial
or right books :) or even better write us the tutorial :)
try photo filter warming or cooling, others there as well, theyu may help
I think you took it too lightly.

Obviously you don't know my background hehe

if its easy like you have said then why don't you point me at the right tutorial or right books :) or even better write us the tutorial :)

Why should I write a tutorial for free when there already hundreds of thousands of tutorials that show how to do this? I stand behind what I said earlier; learn the basics!
If you would know the basics, you would know how to tackle this, for example by using curves or levels on individual channels, heck if you take this image and use those tools, you can almost get back to the original if it wasn't for the desaturation that was originally applied.
Like iDad said, photo filter is a good way. Have you tried the Colour Balance tool? That could do it, but I am not sure. Also try Hue/Saturation (Be careful with this one, it can ruin your image so make sure you make it an adjustment layer so you can remove if it you don't like it)
Why should I write a tutorial for free when there already hundreds of thousands of tutorials that show how to do this? I stand behind what I said earlier; learn the basics!
If you would know the basics, you would know how to tackle this, for example by using curves or levels on individual channels, heck if you take this image and use those tools, you can almost get back to the original if it wasn't for the desaturation that was originally applied.

I think you'll find he didn't say write a tut he said POINT me to one
