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Specific Color Correction?


Hello Gurus!
I have the attached picture.
Its an old photo of me with a new one.
Would it be possible to correct the colors/lighting of the me as a kid to match the adult photo?.
I'l like to use it as a book cover but It needs to feel like the 2 are in the same room at the same time.
Is it possible?

Libro .png
Full confession - color isn't my strong suit. But I like the story the image is telling so gave it a shot. Although tempted, I didn't change the position of the figures since I don't know how you planned out the cover. Maybe the boy should be turned so he faces the grownup? So edited the color work and returned as a png with a transparent background. Also fixed the doggo's tail that accidentally got clipped. Hope this helps with the story you're telling...:)

Libro edited.png
