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Color change


I am trying to make this boat The yellow color, without all the logo and text images. Just the yellow boat. (I still want the water background) I am just trying to get rid of all the logos and such. Can this be achieved in psd?
You can do it, but it will be time consuming and it will require some artistic ability to paint back some details by hand. What I would probably do is just start making shapes to overlay the image, and paint in some flat colors for the areas. Then go back and with clipping groups I would add in some gradients to make the shading and highlights more true. You are more or less just painting a picture of this boat by tracing the one you have... so it will require, as I said, some artistic ability. Personally, I'd just try to find a different picture. heh
if all you're trying to do is extract the background ( delete the water ) then poke around this forum a bit. There's tons of threads on extraction. As to the boat, as Mindbender said, there is some technique involved that calls for more than simply removing the images on the boat and coloring it. It need some gradient work done as well to make it more realistic.
