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Illustrator Color art via eye dropper (not how u think)


i never knew but if you have the eye dropper tool selected and hold alt what ever you click on will turn to that color, u dont need anything selected ahead of time, just hold alt and click i figured i woulda heard of this by now because it is reaally handy
Did you find it on accident?? I did that with Ps last week, i had a Layer highlighted in my layers palette and accidentally had my finger on the Alt button and moved that layer up with my mouse and it made a Duplicate layer.

Thanks for sharing this, shortcuts make for better workflow!!
Not sure what you mean.
Using the eyedropper tool will select the color as the foreground color.
Using the Alt key the eyedropper tool will select the color as the background color.
ok lets say you draw 2 squares if you have green selected in the eyedroper hold down alt and the dropper will turn black at the tip so with alt held down hover over the square and just left click on the object and it will turn green any object you hover over selected or not alt then click and it will turn the color as if it were the paintbucket tool
What I found out was:
Select eye dropper.
If you click over a colour, the Foreground colour changes to that.
If you Alt+Click, the Background colour changes.

Is this what you meant to say? I didn't know about the BG colour though. So thanks for sharing :")
