Open your coin in Photoshop. In the layers panel name it COIN.
Create a duplicate of the COIN layer. It should name itself COIN copy.
Turn off the original COIN layer.
Highlight the COIN copy layer.
Hit the Command/Control + T keys to enter the
Free Transform mode.
Right click within the transform box and choose DISTORT.
Grab the top center handle and pull straight down to about here...
Right click again within the transform box and choose PERSPECTIVE.
Grab the lower right or left handle and move slightly towards the center about like this....
Hit enter of click the checkmark to accept the transformation.
Next, create a new layer above the COIN copy layer. Name the layer GRADIENT.
Hold the Command/Control + mouse click the COIN copy's thumbnail.
This will create a selection around the coin.
Make sure your new layer is Highlighted.
Hit the letter D on your keyboard. This resets your Fore and Background colors to a default of black and white.
Select your
Gradient Tool. Open your Gradient Editor by clicking here...
Select the Foreground to Transparent preset....
Create a gradient starting at the bottom and going upwards like this....
When done hit Command/Control + D to deselect, lower the GRADIENT layers opacity to suite.
Next create a new layer below the COIN copy layer, name it EDGE.
Select your Elliptical Marquee tool. Create an ellipse like the following....

NOTE: You can move the ellipse around for positioning while your creating it by holding down the space bar.
Open your COLOR PICKER...
Sample a darker area of the gold color. Click OK.
Fill the the elliptical selection with this newly sample color.
Hit Command/Control + D to deselect.
You should be done....