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Illustrator Clothing template


New Member
Hi Guys,

First time poster here. I apologise if this has been covered before, I searched but could not find anything (although that could be because I'm not 100% sure of the correct terminology).

I am attempting to create some clothing designs, specifically a rash guard. I have been sent a template which is essentially a long sleeve T shirt template divided into its component sections - front, back, right arm, left arm and collar. These sections are all laid out next to reach other in a line with dotted lines to indicate bleed allowance etc.

Now I can move each of these sections, re-size, copy to a new document etc however here's where the trouble lies: I cannot work out, for the life of me, how to create design elements that cover two or more sections of the template - such as a logo that stretches from the sleeve onto the chest - that sort of thing.

I managed to manually line each section up where it would connect to the next and turn them all into one big clippingmask, that way I was able to run a pattern across all 4 sections. The problem was that when I moved one of the sections it left the masked off pattern behind.

I hope my questions makes sense?

If anyone has any ideas input is greatly appreciated!

I don't know anything about this. Guessing from your description I think I know what you're asking.

The warp transform tool might help you. You may need to do it in multiple steps. You don't have puppet warp but multiple warps can mimic it, moving things around. You might need to use just regular transform tools and the clone stamp.

The part about moving the sections, well, I'm not sure what you mean. If you upload an image, maybe make a composite of the steps you need to take then maybe someone can give you ideas. Maybe someone can help without that, but images explain better.
I'll give it a shot.

You have a single graphic that covers two more parts of a garment, right? Can you manually add anchor points to your graphic at the borders of the garments, then connect the edge points to each other using the pen tool?

Let me know if that helps.

