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Clone-stamp and shadow problem


New Member
As of recent I've been attempting to make a wallpaper of the 'want you gone' interface of the portal 2 credits, but with intention to customize it with a few rain-meter skins.

What I wanted to do was remove the, logo, text and dots in the boxes seen below.
I assumed it'd be as easy as clone-stamping the background on the left side but I was gravely mistaken. When using this tool it expectantly dosen't incorporate shadows, i.e the orginal images background shadow. I'm not amazing at description so here's an image to easier identify my problem
As you can see notably on the top right is how the light levels are completely different due to the shadow on the background.

I was wondering if anyone could be so kind as to enlighten me on a method of fixing this.
Thank you
You will need to recreate this IMO. The color - light to shadow - is created by use of gradients, a radial gradient or maybe multiple overlaid linear gradients. It is next to impossible to clone a gradient. You can get close if you know how to paint. But that would be a totally inappropriate use of PS when you have the tools to recreate the effects. It's Photoshop, friend to photographers and designers, lol.

The lines and squares are even easier to make, so give it a go. If you need some instruction on making gradients, let us know.
Yes, I think it would help me significanty, if I had some instructions, I'm still really new to the photoshop interface, thank you.
Here is a very basic introduction to the gradient tool:


Here's another basic one you might like.


The video tuts I have found so far are not good if you don't already understand the tool. Feature that! I think a combination of a couple tutorials will give you the info you need. One tut always seems to leave out some crucial piece of info, usually in the very beginning. Most of the time, it is assumed you have a basic working knowledge of PS.

The most basic thing I can tell you is to set your FG and BG colors to what you want. Pick the gradient tool (if you don't see it, it's behind the paint bucket). Go to the top menu and you'll see a the gradient there. If it shows your foreground color fading to transparent, click on the arrow and choose the box which shows FG to BG colors.

To the right of this are the gradient style choices. The first is linear, the next radial, etc. Just experiment with each. How far in or out you begin the placement and the end click of the gradient tool will give you different results.

There's no point in my trying to give you an impromptu tutorial. The ones above are good for the basics, but the info I gave you might be enough for you . . . at least to play around with.

As for the lines, if you want pointers on those, come back once you master the gradient! :mrgreen: Have fun.
And done
It's a bit rough up close but since it'll be seen from a distance I'm not concerned (also struggled removing the logo and eventually decided to keep it there). Thanks once again for the help and advice.
