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Clip layer Effects?


Just found this forum, newish to PS too.

I was just playing around and wanted to put a text layer on top of another layer, I hit a problem with drop shadows though.

I would like the drop shadow only to appear on the bottom layer, at present it drops some of the shadow into what is empty space

Here is an image to show you what I mean
Arh seems I can not upload images yet, well think of a transparant background
layer one is an oval disk and layer two is some text.
The text starts half way up the disk and reaches above it, I want to get rid of the drop shadow that is above the disk.
(my username is also a domain com or uk where I put the images)

Is there a way to clip the effects to the bottom layer, I have been messing with masks but its not happening for me. I know there is a simple way to do it, but I can't see what it is.

Please help
Thanks for the reply Nomission
I didn't see the "layer mask hides effects" checkbox.
I was trying the layer knocks out drop shadow checkbox.

Anyway I tried what you suggested, but it seems not to want to play nice for me.
painting in the mask just erases the layer.

Note: when I say text, its not actual text but an image of text, if that makes a difference to the layer mask hides effects

Is there anything else you can suggest
Thanks for the offer, I managed to work it out.

I Ctr clicked on the first image in the layer pallet, to select it,
Then ctr right clicked on the second image and added to selection.

Then clicked on add vector mask
making sure that the settings for vector mask was ticked in the layer style.

So it seems that you need to use vector masks not layer masks to clip out drop shadows.
Glad it's sorted, hate to get hung up trying to do something
So it seems that you need to use vector masks not layer masks to clip out drop shadows.

What do you need a mask for? All you need to do is turn the layer into a clipping layer:


Your problem was that you talked about clipping layers but that you didn't understand what they are and how to use them.

Btw, I already posted this solution many days ago, but deleted it because obviously you didn't seem to have any interest to check out the forum for answers.

Thanks for the reply Nomission
I didn't see the "layer mask hides effects" checkbox.

Funny... because it's actually in your own screenshot that you posted earlier... :rolleyes:
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