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Specific Christmas gift: Printed canvas collage for my wife.


First of all THANK YOU for any and all help offered!

My wife and I just moved to Charlotte NC home of the Carolina Panthers. Coincidentally we have a black cat (Luna) so I thought it would be funny to make a collage of her with a corresponding pose to some of the statues that reside outside the stadium. My wife finds the side by side comparisons hilarious so I decided to undertake a project for Christmas.

My goal is to order a canvas print to hang on our wall. Possibly 16"x 20"

What I need help with:
Attached you'll find two combined comparison pictures as the guide for what I'd like to achieve. (one side by side with mouths open wide, and the other a over under with claws reaching out)
I would like to have both of these comparisons present in the final product and possibly the text and logo of the Carolina Panthers included as well
I was considering having both side by side with the Panthers text and logo either above or below. Possibly have the canvas background as the light blue from the logo? BUT I am open to ideas on how to arrange them on the canvas.
I also envisioned having the statues and cats cut out from their respective backgrounds. Ideally I would rather not have the former owners statue included in the one photo.
I also included a photo of my other black cat Abby (photo of her sitting on a chair). I think it would be fun to cut out and shrink her head and place it somewhere within, kind of like a Where's Waldo thing (Don't want her left out).

Attached you'll find the crude comparisons I made as well as the original photos used.

Once again thank you for the help on this. I'll be monitoring this thread closely and will answer any questions as fast as possible.








I realize that I may have asked for too much so I'd like to ask for just a few things. Here is a rough draft of what I am looking for.

I would like to start by changing the white background in the "Carolina Panthers" to black.
Match the canvas blue to the blue font color (it appears to be a little off)
If possible, remove the statue of the man.

Luna Panther rough draft.png
