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Choosing the right brush


Power User
With hundreds and thousands of brushes out there and newer ones coming out every other day how do you know what is the best brush for your work? I say this because I have seen hundreds of brushes from even a single theme like 'fire' and I do not know which one to choose. How do you guys choose?
that is a choice solely up to the individual and the type of work you are doing, most brushes needed are provided in PS all the others are just gimmick or just make things easier (faster)...imo But there are some pretty cool one out there, Almost want to just buy a CD full of them
I have some commercial brush sets that I have used on a few projects and they saved me a lot of time. The nice thing about commercial sets is that you can usually save the sales page images so you can see examples of the brushes in use.

One thing to look for is the brushes resolution. High resolution brushes are a lot more useful than low resolution brushes.

Also because there are so many "junk" brushes I like to delete them after I test them and find out that there are artifacts floating around in the brush, or the border was not fully cropped out etc. If you try to keep your brush collection organized it helps a lot.

The other thing you can do is change the view of the brushes palette in Photoshop. By default it's impossibly small, so I usually set it to display the brushes as large icons. It's not perfect still because it squishes the brushes to a square shape, but it let's you see a lot more of the brush than the default view.
Not to push anything on anyone (not affiliated or anything)but I use BrushPilot Brush Pilot™ - The fast and easy Photoshop brush previewer for Mac OS X (i love it)
to keep any brushes I down load and take them from there after viewing if I need to see them I just open the app and add it to PS but after I'm done I do not save it in PS, but it is away readily available with a few clicks
Although newer brushes may give you an image showing the effects of each of the brushes, this may turn out to be a little different depending on your image. So the best (but tedious) procedure would be the trial-and-error method.Try each of the brushes and see which gives the best effect according to you :)
