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Checky Pixel Patterns


Hi All,

Does anyone know why there is sometimes a checky pixel pattern on my images and if there is a solution or way of avoiding it. See pic for eg. Many Thanks
Checky pixel problem.jpg
Hello baboon and welcome to PSG.

Please define checky for us.
Hi IamSam, Thanks for the welcome! and speedy reply!

The checks are like a chess board (single pixels making each square). If you have a look at the image I attached, you can see darker pixels forming regular chess-board like patterns which aren't supposed to be there. Any clue?


  • Checky pixel problem.jpg
    Checky pixel problem.jpg
    63.3 KB · Views: 1
Are you referring to the white lines? Is this a zoomed in screen shot? Is this supposed to be a solid color?

All images are comprised of pixels. They always vary in color, shade and tonal values.

Sorry, I'm not understanding the problem.
I can only take a stab at what you're getting at....

How did you create the image?

If you created that by lowering the original image's size resolution, this is how Photoshop will calculate/display the image and compensate for lack of details based on the lowered resolution.

Lowered res.jpg

Hence, the chess board like patterns can't be avoided......
Could it be that that part of the image is slightly transparent and the default 'check' transparency pattern is showing through?

Could it be that that part of the image is slightly transparent and the default 'check' transparency pattern is showing through?


If the OP's screengrab image is zoomed in to a section, the default transparency pattern view remains at a constant size.

I'm wondering if those lines are the PS Grid lines. And that the OP could have nudged the image so each pixel fits perfectly in a grid.
Good point dv8.
Good point Sam.

I wonder what makes the OP sure they 'shouldn't be there'...? (Post #3)

It is unusual to see such a regular pattern but maybe that's just how the image is....possibly?

It is unusual to see such a regular pattern but maybe that's just how the image is....possibly?

I don't even see a regular pattern. Looks random to me.

MrTom said:
I wonder what makes the OP sure they 'shouldn't be there'...? (Post #3)

I would like to know this as well.
Who doesn't love a good mystery?...... :cheesygrin:

I was checking on MrTom's hypothesis of a slightly transparent image layer and the default 'check' transparency pattern showing.....

If the image layer's opacity was lowered a bit, we'd see the pattern behind each color pixel. When zoomed to maximum, I do detect a "check" pattern within the lines but it doesn't appear to correspond with the default PS empty background ... it doesn't line up as a full chess board pattern.

It might be caused by the image (or grab) saved at a very low jpg setting.

Then again I could be over-Sherlocking...... :bustagut:.....
So, have we firmly established that the OP is *not* simply talking about the divider lines between the pixels and is actually talking about some pattern that he sees in the pixels themselves?

So, have we firmly established that the OP is *not* simply talking about the divider lines between the pixels and is actually talking about some pattern that he sees in the pixels themselves?


Not yet. We don't think that's what he/she is talking about, but we don't know this for sure. Waiting for a response.
Well this is the only 'check' pattern I see.....


Granted its not over all the image but it is a pattern all the same.

Hi All and thanks for your time on this one. The pic I posted is zoomed in to pixel level with the lines being the grid lines between individual pixel rows and columns, sorry for being unclear. Here
are a couple more examples:checky pixels2.pngchecky pixels3.png Not sure if you can see them full size...
The images were created from high res stock images and then transformed using a kalleidoscope app (which may be the culprit, I will check now)
Hi all, I think I may have discovered the source of the checky problem's (don't think it's all in my head either! :) ). I've compared the original pre-transformed images to some of the ones outputted by the app. It seems that the app is adding these patterns to all of the images which it saves as jpegs. I've no idea why or whether I can get the app writers to remedy this.
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I wonder about the transparency check marking showing through idea. To my eyes, the checks do all line up and without any of the other colours it would look like the Ps transparant pattern. The checks are still visible when the images are viewed with other image viewers however. It can't be an effect of Ps seen as the checks appear before I've edited them in Ps.
These last two images make sense, unlike the first one. This is definitely a transparency issue. The 'checks' are the transparency grid in Photoshop showing through the image. Looks like the Kaleidoscope app is causing the problem
