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Character-Level Formatting

hi all
I am not expert in Ps but share what i know. I hope u like it..

Character-Level Formatting
Mixing and matching font sizes and faces is now possible because Photoshop 5.0 lets you apply different type formatting to characters or words within the same block of text. The Type Tool lets you select individual letters and apply various formats, just like in word processing and illustration applications. Here's how.
1. Open an image and select the Type Tool from the toolbar.
2. Click the image. The Type Tool window opens.
3. Type a line of text into the text area of the Type Tool window.
4. Select individual words and apply different formatting, such as size, font, style, and so forth.
5. Click OK. The text appears in the image.
Welcome aboard tallat amhfooz! :) And thanks for contributing and sharing! ;)

Enjoy your learning experience with us! :D
