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Specific Changing her skin color

@IamSam - I didn't try this and was a bit intimidated by the white lettering on the skin. How did you select and mask those out?
I didn't try this and was a bit intimidated by the white lettering on the skin. How did you select and mask those out?
Great question. Unfortunately there's really no easy way for these types of selections. I did it the old fashioned way by adding a layer mask to a solid color layer adjustment in multiply blend mode, and then using the Brush Tool to just paint the desired areas. It went fairly quickly............5 minutes or less.

Screen Shot 2021-07-18 at 3.09.59 PM.png
So I made a try and just using the quick mask with some additional brushing on the mask
Added a color fill layer with an overlay blend mode.
Used curves to try and match the color - I think I may have come out a bit light...

Sans-titre-1 edited.jpg
