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changing background

select your background then use the filters , so many ways with out seeing the image hue/saturation filter comes to mind
That depends on the photo. In most cases, you'll cut out the foreground subject (yourself) then put it on its own layer. Simply pop in the background you want underneath the foreground layer. The simplest way (but not the professional way) to cut yourself out is to use the magic wand tool.
Can't I just brighten the background a bit, making it white? The magic wand doesn't seem to work, it highlights prettymuch whatever it wants.
you would probably be better off with the lasso tool but the magic wand can be adjusted to help, after you select try the hue/saturation filter to ligthen it up , be sure to select inverse on your selection first
but not seeing image is tough to make a call on it without guessing
Can't I just brighten the background a bit, making it white? The magic wand doesn't seem to work, it highlights prettymuch whatever it wants.

You can adjust the Tolerance in a box on top, that will help but the magic wand tool isn't very exact.

There are a bunch of ways to do this and how effective they are will vary depending on the background

To just change a solid background color you can try Image|Adjustments|Replace Color.
Use dropper tool with the shift key and slide around the background to select and use the sliders to change Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.

Select|Color Range selects the background area the same way but creates a selection that you can refine and use Hue and Saturation or some other tool on the selection like iDad mentioned.
Okey, thanks for the help. But once I make the background brighter, I get pixelated. Can't I just change the background without being so pixelated. Or can I smooth the edges and make it look natural?

Thanks for all your help
you are better off showing the image it sounds like this image is probably in need of repair in the first place
A picture of the edge might help here
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Oh, I just meant the edges of me. they are pixely and I want them smooth:sad:

So not pixcelated, just too rough a selection.
I don't know what to say to you.

You asked how to do it and were given several options but we can't edit this image, by remote control, and without being able to see it.

Post it here and some folks will take a shot at it and tell you what they did.
Otherwise ........??
