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Specific Change the white wall to this blue


Active Member
Hi. Can you please change the color of the wall in the picture below to this tone of blue or a very similar one:

Thank you in advance.

Foto Origami Bogotá 20-24.jpg
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I was just messing around with your image guessing that it was OK to adjust the other colors.

I wanted to point out the the color that you posted did not have a color profile embedded with it (color scale) so I assumed it was sRGB color space. If your posted color was created in a different color space (color scale) then this might not match.

Just one of many renditions you may get.
John Wheeler

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No reflection on the great work of @Babine , @polarwoc , and @thebestcpu - but I took a try just for my own practice...and peace of mind. I was playing with this last night and couldn't get rid of the fringing. Then had some trouble with yellow cast. But some additional time today and applied a couple of new tools via Jesus Ramirez and Unmesh Dinda.
It was quite a learning experience - or, as I like to say, every day's a school day! :cheesygrin:
- Jeff
blue wall character edited 2.jpg
