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Creative Change the background to a aesthetic Street.


Hi, i don't like the background of my picture, so can you please change and replace it into a very aesthetic lonely street. Thanking you

Hi @widamusic
I bet the answer is not yet is there any possibility you took another shot. The provided shot is focused at the front of the vehicle so the subject is out of focus and quite a bit of digital noise. The top of your head is also cropped off. That may be the mode you want for the image and that is OK, just makes it a tougher job to change the background.
Also, did you want just the background outside the vehcile window change or the entire background such as how @JeffK provided?
Just going for clarity on the end result you desire.
Hi @widamusic
I bet the answer is not yet is there any possibility you took another shot. The provided shot is focused at the front of the vehicle so the subject is out of focus and quite a bit of digital noise. The top of your head is also cropped off. That may be the mode you want for the image and that is OK, just makes it a tougher job to change the background.
Also, did you want just the background outside the vehicle window change or the entire background such as how @JeffK provided?
Just going for clarity on the end result you desire.
Hey, thank you letting me know. Although i actually wanted the size of my body to remain as it is in the frame. I just didn't want to show myself in a car, hence, thought that a street, replaced as the background would be better. In other words, i just wanted to get rid of the button-board behind me. If you can remove just that button-board thingy, it would be so nice of you :)
But it's totally fine if you can't manage this much work :)
