Here's what I would do - others may add suggestions:
Open your document
Using your magic eraser tool, remove the white background by clicking on all white areas especially inside the letters:
Then go to the bottom of your layers panel and click on the round adjustment layers icon - choose solid color at the top of your choices
When you click on it, a color dialog box will pop up - choose your color
Choose a color - I'll choose green.
Your layer stack should look like this: and your document window will show a layer with a green swatch (or whatever color you chose)
Now for the magic - right click on your layer - not the icon - and choose Create Clipping Mask.
You can also hover between the two layers, hold down ALT key (OPTION on Mac) and left click.
Your text will change color:
You can change the color of the text by double clicking on the color swatch,bring up the color picker, and choose what you wish.
You can now add a layer at the bottom and fill with any color you like, or save the image as a png with transparent bckground and place it
on any background you wish.
If there's any color inside your letters, just click on the area with your magic eraser tool again.
- Open your document
- Use magic eraser to remove the white background
- Go to bottom of your layer stack, click on the adjustment layers icon (the round symbol) and choose solid color
- From color picker choose your color and click OK
- Hove between the color layer and the type layer holding down your ALT/APTION key until cursor turns to pointing finger;
- Left click to create clipping mask
- OPTION - hover over color layer, right click, and choose "create clipping mask"
- Your type is now the color you chose.
Any questions, give a shout.
- Jeff